I have some ideas on what all you can do with you fur pet that can get them out of the house, and good exercise as well. Having a healthy pet is number 1 on my list. I had all kinds dogs, small and big. I love dogs and cats as well but I know there are certain things you can't do with a cat that you can do with dogs.
Currently if you read my first blog Things you should know about Dog Moms:
You are aware I have 3 beautiful Yorkie Terriers. One is a boy his name is Gotham, he was the last litter born. The other 2 is Zelda and Missy, Missy is the mom to Zelda and Gotham just 2 different litters. Zelda was born first then Gotham.
They are a mess and super spoiled. But I love them dearly, wouldn't trade it for nothing in the world. But at times having a busy life from working and then doing home things like cleaning, your dogs might not get out or exercise like they should. I take mine almost everywhere I can, except in stores unless it's Pet Smart, or Pet Sense store. Just so they can explore and be happy dogs like they should be. They love the outdoors and meeting other fur babies. I'm going to list things you can do with your fur baby.
Parks- Many dogs as you know love parks. They love smelling where other dogs have been and they also love playing games such as frisbee, ball, or simply running around with you or other dogs and playing chase. Many dogs enjoy those days, why not make you puppy happy while also keeping their health up with exercise. Plus, if you are walking your dog it not only is good to the dog but it is also good for you as well. Also walking your dog boosts happiness and reduces stress, and depression. So why not take a few minutes of the day to brighten yours and your fur baby's day.
Car rides- Many dogs love just going for car rides, note that I said many. If your fur baby is one that gets sick, or just plain out don't enjoy car rides then do whatever makes them happy. But mine love car rides, sometimes I will load them in the car and ride around a couple times just to get them all tuckered out. Which is easy because they are small, it might not be so easy with big dogs because they tend to have more energy than little dogs.
Beach- Most dogs love water, and what better way to enjoy hot weather than to pack up and head to the beach. It is a great opportunity for your fur baby to be free and smells the ocean and play while having a good time. Bring a ball and throw it and watch them have a blast running to get the balls and shoot even chase after them and splash in the water. I haven't met a dog that doesn't love water. Mine go wild, they are small dogs so I know big dogs have to be even more wilder.
Shopping- Fur babies love to shop too, why not take them shopping at a pet store, or around town. Buy some ice cream or special treat just for them. It can be really relaxing or a nightmare for some. You all are going to think I'm loony but my dog Gotham love pickles 🥒 So a day out walking I stop to get him pickles.
Sprinklers- Hook one of them bad boys up and let your dog to the rest. They are so funny to watch jump over water and run around and try and bite the water. The funniest thing ever, to watch. While keeping them cool on beautiful hot days.
Read- I know sounds crazy right? But I read my bible to mine, and that is the best sleep I ever see all 3 mine do. That's one way to get them to calm down if you really don't feel like doing activities for the day. I do it, and actually enjoy doing it as well.
Photo shoots- What dog doesn't like getting all the attention? Do a photo shoots with them, dress them up real cute and snap away. Or go to the park and snap some nature with your dog being the main view. I have tons of photos of my fur babies!
Netflix- Kick back and have a relaxing day on the couch with your fur babies. Watch some dog movies or what ever you enjoy and watch away!
New tricks- Get some training treats and teach your fur baby a new trick. Or take a training classes and help learn ways to train your pet better. There are many classes around that are willing to teach your dog and make the day pleasing to you to know your dog can now do something you've always wanted them to do.
Birthday parties- Give your fur baby a birthday party on their special day! Make them treats and pupcakes! I will blog on many treats you can make from home and your fur babies will enjoy as well. Give your fur baby a present 📦 and help them open it up to toys or bones. It's a great way to make your pet happy.
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Be Blessed!